February 1, 2013

Dear CCHS Classmate,

Your 50th Reunion Committee is pleased to send you information regarding our 50th reunion which will
take place the weekend of September 20-22, 2013. Events are in the planning stage but one that is set
is a dinner and celebration at the Concord Country Club on Sept. 21st (where we had our Senior Prom
and our 30th reunion.)

This reunion weekend will be completely free of teenage angst, competition over grades, girlfriends,
boyfriends, or worries that seemed so important at the time. Instead you will reconnect with a group
of people with whom you’ve shared a unique slice of life. We were indeed lucky to have grown up in
Concord in the 50s and 60s.

How quickly those 50 years have passed! Our reunion is a great opportunity to reminisce and catch
up with friends you may not have seen for many years. Unlike gym class, attendance is not required,
however the more of us who attend, the more fun it will be. So, please save the date, and come and
join us!

You are receiving a paper copy of this invitation because we don’t have an email address for you.
Please respond to Jeanne Cahill Steiner with that information as soon as possible, as we are trying
to keep our mailing costs down. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jeanne at
jcahillsteiner@comcast.net or call her at her home at (508) 432-0908. You may also mail your response
to her at 14 Hunt’s Lane, Harwich, MA 02645.

We have the beginnings of a class website where some class members have posted a personal web
page. Check out the site at www.cchs1963.com and think about what you might like to add. Pictures
are always great! Should you need assistance with the posting process, Steve Winter and Jeanne are
happy to help.

Within the next few weeks we will be sending out an electronic class roster with contact information
and more details on the reunion weekend. Even if you are not sure about attending the reunion, we
want to hear from you!

Many thanks from your Reunion Committee:

Susan Bascom Read
Janet Brown Ritch
Jeanne Cahill Steiner
Judi Gibson Dunlap (ex officio)
Bob Petersen
Karen Redford Smethurst
Karen Shalline Fiedler
Steve Winter